Biuletyn / Bulletin – 19-ego grudnia 2021 roku / December 19, 2021

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: Public health protocols in place, including mandatory masks. Additional restrictions announced this week.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Czwarta Niedziela Adwentu / Fourth Sunday of Advent

Pierwsze czytanie / First Reading: Mi 5,1-4a
Psalm: 80
Drugie czytanie / Second Reading: Hbr 10,5-10
Ewangelia / Gospel: Łk 1,39-45

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Odnów nas, Boże, i daj nam zbawienie / Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved



Dear Fellow Parishioners and Friends:
We are going to be under tighter public health restrictions in order to keep everyone safe. Based on Dr. Strang's correspondence and clarification to faith communities, and discussion at Wednesday's Rada meeting and with Father Dennis, the new regulations will apply to our parish in the following ways:
-We are going back to physical distancing (including using every second pew). Ushers will guide you to a place.
-We will again use Sala 1050 for any overflow.
-Because of the distancing, we will be under 50 percent capacity in accordance with the regulation.
-You do not need to pre-register for Sunday or Wednesday Masses.
*However, please let Stephanie Black know if you will be attending our Pasterka Christmas Eve Mass (10:00pm). Stephanie can be reached by phone or text at 902-578- 3697; or please let us know at Mass on Sunday.
-There will be two vacant pews in front of the choir to ensure extra distance between the choir and everyone else.
-The choir can continue to sing together (masked), but the rest of us are requested not to sing at this time. (Dr. Strang is permitting choir singing, but requesting that there not be singing by the general congregation.)
-We will do a staged departure at the end of Mass to ensure distancing.
-And of course mandatory masking remains in place.
-Mandatory proof of full vaccination continues to be required for any meetings, rehearsals, activities, etc, other than regular and feast day Masses.
Thank you, friends, for all your goodwill and prayers and for making our parish such a loving and caring community. Please continue to pray for an end to the pandemic! Z Bogiem!

CHRISTMAS DECORATING OF THE CHURCH: We will be putting up Christmas decorations after Mass today. Sincere gratitude for anyone who can stay – even for a short time.

PRAYER REQUESTS: There have been some changes recently in Mary Pierrynowski’s health situation, and Mary and her daughter, Wandzi, have asked to keep Mary in your prayers in the days and weeks ahead. They are very grateful for the prayers and the phone conversations with fellow parishioners. Please keep Delores Starzomski in your prayers, as she continues to struggle with her health, but with a spirit that is solid. Kindest thanks!

WEDNESDAY EVENING MASSES: Please join us Wednesday at 6:30pm. Followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa. It is a prayerful, quiet, mid-week gathering in our beautiful sacred space. It’s particularly special during this Advent season.

A NOTE ABOUT ŚWIĘTY MIKOŁAJ (CHANGES): We were planning a traditional Polish visit by Swiety Mikolaj (St. Nicholas) to the Polish Village Hall on Monday evening. Because of the COVID-19 situation, this event/gathering is cancelled. But, some good news ... Swiety Mikolaj will still be leaving some small presents for us to deliver! We would be delighted to make a little delivery to the doors of homes of children in our parish. (Please provide an address to Also, if you know of anyone else (whether connected with the parish or not) who could use a little bit of extra joy at this time, we would be delighted to leave something at their door as well. Please send along any address(es) and we will make a delivery next week. Also, the St. Michael's Polish Benefit Society's volunteer session to put together Christmas grocery hampers is still going ahead Monday at 6:30pm at the hall.

RADA MEETING NOTES: The Rada met on Wednesday. The annual Rada orientation took place (a copy of the slides are available to any parishioner upon request from past chair Tom Urbaniak, who delivered the orientation presentation). The Rada designated its officers until the next Annual General Meeting. The following Rada members kindly agreed to serve as Rada officers, with the unanimous support of the Rada:
Chair: Robert Schella
Vice Chair: John Morykot
Secretary: Ursula Melski
[A reminder that Rada members for this year, as elected at the November 14 parishioners’ meeting, are Joe Gillis, Ursula Melski Sr., Ursula Melski Jr., John Morykot, Sophie O'Toole, Bernie Paruch, Jerry Pocius, Robert Schella. And, of course, Father Dennis is permanently part of the Rada as Pastor.]
The Rada discussed the 2021 funds remaining ($3,000 remaining for this year) in the Christian Service and Outreach budget line (this particular budget line is specifically designated to address needs in the community affecting some of our most marginalized neighbours). This budget line comes from part of the annual return on investment on our parish endowment, which has been doing well. Part of the discussion was about what was learned at a recent meeting of organizations addressing poverty in Cape Breton. The Rada reached a consensus to give support to the pilot Street Nurse Program of the Ally Centre of Cape Breton (which is providing basic help to people in serious need – assistance like dressing wounds and helping people get immediate medical aid), and additional support to the Whitney Pier Youth Club (assistance with food and basic supplies for families in need), and Howard House (with basic needs of residents). In the Rada Chair’s report at the Parish Meeting on November 14, there was additional information on how our parish was previously able to be of help during these difficult times. The Rada also discussed the new public health regulations.

THANK YOU TO BERNIE PARUCH AND ANGELA DOIRON: Bernie and Angela were the Rada co-chairs for 2020-2021. They carried out that role with a lot of wisdom, calm and kindness as they live out their Christian faith in a very positive way. Bernie is still on the Rada for this year as Past Chair. God bless you both!

OPŁATEK and POLISH CHRISTMAS CARDS: Please see Tom Urbaniak. There is no charge, but if you wish to contribute an item to the Food Cupboard that would be really kindly appreciated.

PASTERKA – THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS EVE SHEPHERDS’ MASS: December 24 at 10:00pm with beautiful Polish kolędy starting at 9:30pm

2022 PARISH ENVELOPES ARE AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. If you do not have parish envelopes and would like a package, please call 902-563-1226.

A COUPLE OF BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS: Teddy bears (“Misiu” and “Misia”) with the Cape Breton Polish tartan and The Polish Cape Bretoners Colouring Book. We still have a limited supply of both!

RECRUITING VOLUNTEER ANNOUNCERS AND SPONSORS FOR THE POLISH RADIO SEGMENTS ON THE COAST: You do not need to know Polish. The segments are pre-recorded and we work off scripts. With regard to sponsorships, they are $100 for a whole week and all proceeds support the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. The segments run weekdays at 3:50 and 7:50pm. We are very grateful for the support.

FOOD CUPBOARD: If you are attending Mass this Sunday, we would be so grateful if you could bring a non-perishable food or personal care item for the Food Cupboard. A note of heartfelt thanks for the generosity of fellow parishioners!

WEEKDAY RADIO SPOTS ABOUT POLISH CULTURE AND LANGUAGE IN CAPE BRETON: The Coast Radio: Every weekday at 3:50pm and 7:50pm (FM 89.7). And archived at It’s called the “One Minute Polish Broadcast”. Learn a new Polish word, phrase, or cultural tradition. Presented by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. Would you consider sponsoring a whole week of our radio segments for $100? The Coast has kindly agreed to allow the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society to do this as a fund-raiser (they are not charging for air time). Sponsors will be acknowledged on air (IMOs are welcome, birthday tributes, etc). Dziekujemy! And, we’re recruiting volunteers to go on air (pre-recorded). We’ll help you get ready. No previous experience required, and you do not have to be a Polish speaker. Our radio theme for this coming week will be about Polish Wigilia (Christmas Eve) traditions. Thank you to Kasia Jones for being the guest voice! This week’s segment is sponsored in memory of Colin MacCormack by Janina MacCormack and family.

COLLECTION FOR DECEMBER 12: $1008.80 Thank you very kindly for your support of our parish.

THANKS VERY KINDLY FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH DURING THE PANDEMIC: We are truly grateful for everyone’s generosity through the pandemic. If you are able to make a donation, the parish’s mailing address is St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5. Donations can be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Thanks for your support!

CONSUL GENERAL WIŚNIEWSKI has posted some nice photos and very gracious comments on the Consulate webpage of his visit to us November 19-21:

Dear Friends: We invite you to keep up our Polish customs for Wigilia (Christmas Eve). It means a lot that we are keeping our community going from generation to generation! Here are a few of our customs:
-FIRST STAR: We wait for the first star before starting our Christmas Eve meal
-OPLATEK: We share the Christmas wafer around the table and bless each other.
-AN EMPTY PLATE: To symbolize that we welcome Jesus and people in need.
-SOME STRAW IN THE CENTRE OF THE TABLE: To represent the manger
-12 MEATLESS COURSES (except for fish): To represent that we are completing the Advent season
-KOLĘDY: We sing Polish carols after the meal. (Please let us know if you would like words, notes, and translations.)
-PASTERKA: The late evening Mass – 10:00pm in our church (with koledy by the choir starting at 9:30). Due to COVID, please register this year with Stephanie Black (902-578-3697)


CHOIR HYMNS FOR TODAY: As per public-health regulations, only the choir will sing (masked). Singing by the general congregation is on hold at this time.
Opening: Spuśćcie Nam na Ziemskie Niwy (#90 in choir binder) – This Advent hymn is saying send us forth to the earthly fields.
Offertory: Hejnał wszyscy zaśpiewajmy (#28 in choir binder) – about singing the Lord’s praises
Communion: Bądźże pozdrowiona (#4 in choir binder) – about praise for the blessed Host
Post-Communion: Jezu miłości Twej (#35A in choir binder) – about the love of Jesus
Recessional: Oto Pan Bóg przyjdzie (#68 in choir binder) – about the anticipated arrival of the Lord

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!