Biuletyn / Bulletin – 7-ego kwietna 2019 roku / April 7, 2019

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30am, Wednesday at 6:30pm
Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa following the Wednesday evening Mass

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Piąta Niedziela Wielkiego Postu / Fifth Sunday of Lent

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION (9:30 am Mass) is for John Melnick offered by Steve Melnick and family

Eucharistic Minister for today: Janet Hawthorne
Ushers for collection today: Tony Gniewek, Robert Melski Sr.



Wednesday, April 10, 6:30pm
: The Mass intention will be for Lois Włudyka offered by Wayne Joseph. Mass will be preceded by the Rosary and followed by the Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa

Sunday, April 14, 9:30am: The Mass intention will be for deceased members of the Baker family
Lectors: Bernie Paruch, Kristen Fagan-Steele
Eucharistic Minister: Marilyn Gillis
Altar Servers: Robbie Melski,James Clarke, Frankie Chislett, Kristofer Starzomski-Wilson
Ushers: Toni LaRusic, Robert Melski Jr.
Greeters:Victoria Aucoin, Marjorie Ardelli
Altar Society designated volunteers for April: Ursula Melski, Eileen Fagan-Steele
Property Committee designated member for the coming week:
Care Committee: to visit or send a card, please call Catherine Tucker (902-567-0146) or Vicki Aucoin (562-7142)

Collection receipts for Sunday, March 31: $1094.00 (broken down as follows: $ general collection, $ monthly, $ flowers, $ fuel, $ votive candles, $ loose,$ Kitchen Project, $175.00 rebuilding fund). Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary's Polish Parish. Dziekujemy bardzo.

MASS INTENTIONS / VIGIL CANDLE: To reserve Mass Intentions / Vigil Candle, please contact Fr. Dennis directly at 902-564-4222 or speak with him before Mass. (There is no fee for Mass intentions.)

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: In Memoriam donations will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Rebuilding Fund, if you do not have an envelope, you can write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”




DAY OF RECONCILIATION will take place on Saturday, April 13 from 10:00am until 4:00pm at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish in Sydney. Various priests from the area will be in attendance: 10:00am Fr. Everett MacDow; 11:00am Fr. Doug Murphy; 12:00pm TBA; 1:00pm Fr. Dennis Lamey; 2:00pm Fr. Paul McGillivary; 3:00pm Fr. Bill Burke.

PLEASE NOTE: This year, the traditional Polish blessing of Easter foods will take place at 1:00pm on Holy Saturday (April 20). Everyone is welcome (please invite friends), even if you don’t have a basket, as the people will be blessed too! Also, we’ll be putting together a collective basket for Loaves and Fishes and inviting everyone to share an item (including fresh items).

IMO Mary Clarke from Anna Wesołkowska
IMO Lois Włudyka from Shirley Ardelli and family, Marilyn and Joe Gillis
IMO Priscilla Wójcik from Richard and Marilyn Garabedian

PHOTOGRAPHS OF PARISH EVENTS: Vicky Aucoin has been compiling parish scrapbooks. As parish events happen, she’d be really grateful if you could share your photos! Vicky’s telephone number is 562-7142.

PARISH CARE GROUP: Please advise of anyone to whom we should reach out with prayers, a note, call, wishes, etc. Please call Vicky Aucoin (562-7142) or Catherine Tucker (567-0146). Also, blessed Easter baskets will be delivered again this year to people who cannot be with us for the actual blessing on Holy Saturday. Please let Vicky or Catherine know of anyone to whom we should plan to deliver a basket.

WHITNEY PIER COMMUNITY KITCHEN PROJECT: Everyone is welcome for a warm meal and fellowship in a friendly, inclusive atmosphere. Every week, we have a diverse cross-section of the community. Meals are served every Wednesday from 11:30am to 1:00pm in our Sala 1050. Meals are free of charge or donate what you can to support the project. Many thanks to all volunteers and donors.

MONTHLY MEETING OF COMMUNITY KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS: Tomorrow, Monday, April 8, at 4:15pm in Sala 1050.

FREE POLISH CAFÉ/ DECORATING PALMS THIS COMING SATURDAY: Please join us on Saturday, April 13, from 10:00am to 11:30am. We will have coffee, tea, refreshments, desserts (no charge). We’ll be decorating palms (willows) in keeping with the Polish custom and in time for Palm Sunday, which is the next day. This gathering is open to everyone. Absolutely no previous experience is required. We’ll share photos and stories of Polish pre-Easter customs. The gathering will take place in our church -- Sala 1050. Sponsored by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society as part of a series of activities to mark the Society’s 110th anniversary.

PLEASE MARK THE EVENING OF FRIDAY, MAY 3, ON YOUR CALENDAR: We’ll be celebrating Polish Constitution Day at the Polish Village Hall. We’ll have tickets (limited to 100) on sale next week. There will be Polish food and we’ll release the Polish Cape Bretoners colouring book with beautiful sketches by Jeff Wilson.

PARISH PROPERTY WORKING GROUP: If you would like to be part of a rotation for periodic yard work/mowing, we would be most grateful. Please speak with John Morykot (

CONVEYING A MESSAGE TO OUR PARISH FROM ANGLICAN ARCHBISHOP RON CUTLER: Archbishop Ron, who oversees the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, dropped by the Community Kitchen this Wednesday and shared in many conversations. We gave him a tour of the church, and he wanted to pass along his admiration of our church and the dedication of our parishioners, and thanks for our friendship and collaboration with the local Anglican communities.

ST. MICHAEL’S POLISH BENEFIT SOCIETY Zarząd Meeting this evening at 7:00pm in the Polish Village Hall.

WELCOME TO DAVID MacKEIGAN: David MacKeigan started on a 20-week contract as community development officer at CBU under a provincially funded program. His mandate will be to work on product development for the Cape Breton Polish tartan, Wałbrzych sister city initiatives, and some background support to the Community Kitchen as needed. His work directly relates to the local Polish community. He has considerable experience in community development and business. He will often be working at the O’Connell House (glebe house) when it is not in use for parish activities or meetings.

TRANSLATION OF TODAY’S FIRST READING (FROM ISAIAH): Thus says the Lord, who made a way through the sea, a path in the raging waters, who led out chariot and horse together with an army of picked troops: they lay down never to rise again, they were snuffed out, put out like a wick. No need to remember past events, no need to think about what was done before. Look, I am doing something new, now it emerges; can you not see it? Yes, I am making a road in the desert and rivers in wastelands. The wild animals will honour me, the jackals and the ostriches, for bestowing water in the desert and rivers on the wastelands for my people, my chosen one, to drink. The people I have shaped for myself will broadcast my praises.

TRANSLATION OF TODAY’S SECOND READING FROM PAUL’S LETTER TO THE PHILIPPIANS: Yes, I will go further: because of the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, I count everything else as loss. For him I have accepted the loss of all other things, and look on them all as filth if only I can gain Christ and be given a place in him, with the uprightness I have gained not from the Law, but through faith in Christ, an uprightness from God, based on faith, that I may come to know him and the power of his resurrection, and partake of his sufferings by being moulded to the pattern of his death, striving towards the goal of resurrection from the dead. Not that I have secured it already, nor yet reached my goal, but I am still pursuing it in the attempt to take hold of the prize for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not reckon myself as having taken hold of it; I can only say that forgetting all that lies behind me, and straining forward to what lies in front, I am racing towards the finishing-point to win the prize of God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.

 "Through prayer we learn to renounce the idolatry and self-sufficiency of our ego, and to admit we need the Lord and His mercy.” – A message on Friday sent on behalf of Pope Francis

IN MEMORIAM / BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES / REBUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are at the back of the church. Many thanks for your support.

TO CONTRIBUTE ON-LINE TO OUR REBUILDING, PLEASE GO TO OUR PARISH WEB HOME PAGE ( and please click the link to our Canada Helps donation page. It’s a secure system and you’ll receive your charitable tax receipt promptly. Thanks for your support! Please spread the word.

REBUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the rebuilding if you do not have an envelope, you can also write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”.Donations can also be made by regular mail: St. Mary's Polish Parish 21 Wesley St. , Sydney, N.S. B1N 2M5. Thank you so much for your support.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events.The beautifully renovated downstairs is now available again for rentals for holiday parties or other occasions Please call 564-8494

Życzenia na błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!


TODAY'S HYMNS: 9:30 am Mass
Entrance: Gwiazdo śliczna, wspaniała (Star Resplendent)
Pan Bóg uczynił wielkie rzeczy dla nas. The Lord has done great things for us. [Pronunciation: Pan / Boog / oo-CHI-nee-w / vYEL-kee-e / jj-ETCH-i / dla / nas/]
Offertory: Ludu, mój ludu (People, My People)
Communion: O mój Jezu w Hostii skryty (O My Jesus Contained in the Host)
Post-Communion: Serce Jezusa ciche pokorne (Heart of Jesus – Quiet and Humble)
Któryś za nas cierpiał rany. Jezu Chryste, zmiłuj się nad nami (x3). [You who suffered wounded for us, Christ Jesus have mercy on us.]