Biuletyn / Bulletin – 21-ego grudnia 2014 roku / December 21, 2014

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
(meeting temporarily at Holy Redeemer Church
with thanks to our friends of Holy Redeemer Parish)
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Fax: (902) 564-2260
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Celebrating 100 years of faith and service (1913-2013)

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. (temporarily at Holy Redeemer Church)

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Czwarta Niedziela Adwentu / Fourth Sunday of Advent

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is for Catherine Ardelli and Julia Munshaw offered by Shirley Ardelli & family. Eternal rest grant onto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie, a swiatłość wiekuista niechaj Im świeci na wieki wieków. Amen

TODAY’S RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Na wieki będę sławił łaski Pana [“I will praise the goodness of the Lord forever.”]  Pronunciation: Na/ vee-e-kee / ben-d-e-w / sw-av-ee-w / was-kee / Pa-na.

The Vigil Candle this week is for Pope Francis’s prayer intention for December, that the birth of the redeemer will bring peace and hope to all people of good will.

Eucharistic Minister for today: Marilyn Gillis

Ushers for collection today: Bernie LaRusic, Joe Gillis



WEDNESDAY MASS AND NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA – In the new year, we will pray the Novena at 9:15 a.m., before every Sunday Mass.

Wednesday, December 24, PASTERKA (Christmas Eve Mass) at 10 p.m. Koledy (Polish carols) at 9:30 p.m. The Mass intention will be for all parishioners.
Lectors: Stephanie Black, Andrzej Cebula     
Eucharistic Minister: Janet Hawthorne
Altar Servers: Caleigh, Noah, Kristofer
Ushers: Robert Melski Sr., Larry Gniewek
Greeters: Victoria Aucoin, Stephanie Black

Thursday, December 25, Christmas Day Mass at 9:30 a.m. The Mass intention will be for Michael Ardelli from Shirley & family.
Lectors: Edyta Baczyk, Tom Urbaniak           
Eucharistic Minister: Marilyn Gillis
Altar Servers:
Ushers: Michael Melski, Toni LaRusic
Greeters: Dianne and Elie Blondin

Sunday, December 28, 9:30 a.m. The Mass intention will be for Jim Leonard offered by the Kyte family.
Lectors: Anne Marie Campbell, Janusz Wawrzyszn                                                       
Eucharistic Minister: Suzanne Campbell
Altar Servers: Frankie, Noah, Kristofer
Ushers: Joe Gillis, Robert Melski Jr.
Greeters: Mary [Micka] DiPenta, Teresa Fagan

Collection receipts for Sunday, December 14:  $1676.10 (broken down as follows: $961.10 regular collection, $615.00 toward rebuilding. Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary’s Polish Parish. Dziękujemy bardzo!

MASS CARDS/VIGIL CANDLE: Contact Tom Urbaniak (563-1226)

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: To make an In Memoriam donation, please speak with Shauna MacKay. These will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Building Fund, please write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
December 21: Tomasz, Tomisław
December 22: Beata, Drogomir, Franciszka, Zenon
December 23: Sławomir, Sławomira, Wiktoria
December 24: Adam, Adamina, Adela, Ewa, Ewelina, Grzegorz
December 25: Anastazja, Eugenia, Piotr
December 26: Szczepan
December 27: Cezary, Jan
December 28: Antoni, Emma



OSWIECENIE CHOINKI ORAZ PRZYBYCIE SWIETEGO MIKOLAJA: THIS EVENING (Sun., Dec. 21) --  6 P.M. – CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING AND VISIT BY ST. NICHOLAS AT THE SITE OF OUR CHURCH. There will be Polish carols and hot chocolate. Please invite friends, as we come together to say thank you for each other’s support, reflect on the Christmas season, and renew our energy as we prepare to rise again. St. Nicholas will be dressed in traditional Polish style and will bring some treats. For anyone who can assist with clean-up of grounds and other preparations, please meet after Mass at the O’Connell House. Dziekujemy!

OPŁATEK IN THE POLISH TRADITION: The custom of breaking and sharing unleavened wafers (embossed with holy images) at family and community gatherings during the Christmas season (beginning with Christmas Eve) originated in Poland in the 17th century – and is today a primarily Polish, Lithuanian, and Slovak tradition. The large majority of families of Polish heritage continue to follow this custom. It is also traditional for Polish families who send Christmas cards in the mail (even to non-Polish friends) to put a piece of Opłatek inside the card. When sharing the Opłatek, it is customary to say something like the following: “I wish you much health, happiness and the Lord's bountiful blessings as well as the fulfillment of all your plans and everything you wish for yourself.”

CATECHISM AND POLISH CULTURAL CLASS, for school-age children, led by Krista Ann Starzomski. Plans are underway to resume these shortly.
POLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES, led by Edyta Baczyk, will be resumed in the new year.


INVENTORY OF ITEMS – AS REQUESTED BY ADJUSTOR: We are still finalizing the (lengthy) lists, based on all your input. Thank you! We hope to have a final draft shortly.

INITIAL MEETINGS WITH ARCHITECT -- PRELIMINARY DESIGN-PROPOSAL WORK -- AND REQUEST TO PARISHIONERS FOR OLDER/BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS: Father Paul, the Rada, and CBRM officials had meetings Friday and Saturday with architect Gary Hanley (Mettam Group, Halifax), a nationally recognized expert in the design and rebuilding of churches and other public buildings. With Mr. Hanley’s help, we will be preparing a submission (preliminary drawings) to the diocesan Council of Priests for its January meeting. Gary will show some drafts for parishioners’ feedback at our parish’s Oplatek Supper on Saturday, January 10. Gary has asked for many older/black- and- white photos of any parts of the church (an exact replica is not possible, and sometimes not in keeping with today’s codes, but the photos will help Gary analyse features and details). Please share your photos with any member of the Rada. Design proposals will incorporate modern features (eg. accessibility, energy efficiency, low maintenance but traditional-looking materials) but also beautiful Polish Catholic elements. We will have to carefully keep costs down and the project within reasonable scale, but also respond to the wonderful donation offers we are receiving of exquisite historic features from other churches or former churches.

St. Mary’s Polish Parish collection envelopes for 2015 were available last week at the Polish Village Hall. Unclaimed envelopes are at the back of Holy Redeemer this morning.  If you or your family do not currently have envelopes, but would like to, please speak with Shauna McKay (902-539-4354).

BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES were lost in the fire but printing will be completed tomorrow. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Building Fund, please write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”

SYLWESTRA – NEW YEAR’S EVE AT THE POLISH VILLAGE HALL, hosted by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. Dancing from 9-1. Music by DJ Robin Krszwda. Tickets are $15. Please call Tony Melski at 902-537-1417.

ST. MARY’S POLISH PARISH TELEVISED MASS FOR SHUT-INS: We will be recording the Mass for shut-ins at the CTV Studio on George St. on Tuesday, January 6, at 7 p.m. It would be great if everyone could make it. If you have traditional Polish attire or St. Michael’s jackets, please wear them for the recording.


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROJECT: Our parish continues to work with other faith communities on this project. We are nearing completion of “The Pier” boardgame. For a sponsorship of $100, you can have your name or your organization’s name along the side of the board. Please speak with Tom Urbaniak.

CAPE BRETON POLISH TARTAN ORDERS (proceeds to our parish) are still being fulfilled. There is an order form on our website: . Orders will generally take a few weeks to complete.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events. Please call 564-8494.


Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!


TODAY’S HYMNS: Please note: Our hymnbooks were destroyed in the fire. New ones will be prepared, but we will provide texts and notes as inserts wherever possible.)
Entrance: Hejnał wszyscy zaśpiewajmy [Let Us All Sing]
Offertory: Głos wdzięczny z nieba wychodzi [A Grateful Voice from Heaven Emerges]
Communion: Jezu w hostii utajony [Jesus Contained in the Host]
Post-Communion: Zdrowaś bądź, Maryja [Hail Be Mary]
Closing: Oto Pan Bóg przyjdzie [The Lord Cometh]