Biuletyn/Bulletin – 7-ego pażdziernika 2012 roku/ October 7, 2012

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: 564-4847; Fax: 564-2260
Preparing for our 100th anniversary (2013).
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355
MSZA ŚWIĘTA jest odprawiana w niedziele o godz. 9.30
HOLY MASS: Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Dwudziesta siódma niedziela zwykŀa/27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FEAST DAY OF ST. FAUSTINA KOWALSKA (1905-1938) – October 5th

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is for the Kyte family, and we pray also for the members of that family who are deceased. Eternal rest grant onto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie, a swiatłość wiekuista niechaj Im swieci na wieki wieków. Amen.



Wednesday, October 10, 6:30 p.m.: Mass followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa
For Michael J. Farrell offered by Shirley & family

Sunday, October 14, 9:30 a.m.  The Mass intention will be for Thelma White offered by Richard & Jean-Annette White.
Lector: Stephanie Black
Eucharistic Minister: Frank Starzomski
Altar Servers: Carolyn Kiley & Marjorie Ardelli

The Vigil Candle for this week is in memory of Thelma Murphy offered by Richard & Jean Annette White.

Collection receipts for Sunday, September 30: $903.75 (broken down as follows: $655.75 weekly contributions, $55.00 monthly supplementary contributions, $51.00 candles, $60.00 fuel, $12.00 building fund, Needs of the Church in Canada $70.00).  Sincere thanks for your support of St. Mary’s Polish Parish, a cherished community of faith and a sacred, historic place!

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
October 7: Justyna, Marek, Maria, Rościsława, Stefan
October 8: Bryda, Brygida, Laurencja, Marcin   
October 9: Bogdan, Jan, Ludwik   
October 10: Franciszek   
October 11: Aldona, Emil, Emilian, Emiliusz, Maria, Marian
October 12: Maksymilian, Witold   
October 13: Daniel, Edward, Mikołaj   
October 14: Alan, Bernard, Dominik



DZIĘKUJEMY: Thank you to everyone who made last week’s observance of the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel so special. We are grateful to Father Paul for the special blessing, to the members of the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society, to Mary Pierrynowski and the St. Cecilia Choir, to Ursula Melski for coordinating the decorating, and to everyone who contributed to what turned out to be a hearty meal! 

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Święta Dziękczynienia! Happy Thanksgiving!: After Mass, everyone is invited downstairs. We have a little gift for each household: a small pumpkin, which you can decorate for your Thanksgiving table or use to make pie. It’s a token of sincere thanks. There will also be some food and refreshments downstairs, so please spare a short while to wish fellow parishioners and visitors a Happy Thanksgiving.

MASS FOR SHUT-INS: Our parish will be recording the televised Mass for Shut-Ins on TUES., NOV. 20: We are asked to assemble at the television station at 6 p.m. for taping at 6:30 p.m. The Mass will be broadcast the following Sunday for the Feast of Christ the King (Uroczystość Jezusa Chrystusa, Króla Wszechświata). Father Paul has requested that those of us who have traditional attire or St. Michael’s suits wear them for this recording. Thank you, in advance, for your participation.

ACCESSING THE CHURCH DURING THE WEEK: You are welcome to come to the church for prayer and to show our church to visiting friends and family. If it is not a normal Mass or event/meeting time, please feel free to call Paul Tynski (562-1716) to arrange access.


VIGIL CANDLE INTENTIONS are being accepted for Oct. 29/Nov. 5; Nov. 12/Nov. 19; Nov. 26/Dec. 3. Please call 563-1226.

175TH ANNIVERSARY MASS – NOTRE DAME DE L’ASSOMPTION CHURCH, ARICHAT – October 15, 2012, at 4 pm. Reception following at Centre communautaire La Picasse, 3534 Hwy 206, Petit de Grat. All those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by phone at 902-226-2109 or 902-226-1020 or email at

MOTHER OF SORROWS PIONEER SHRINE, MABOU– The Rosary will be prayed in the Shrine each Sunday of October at 3 PM for the terminally ill of our diocese. The Shrine will remain open for daily visitation from 1-4 PM year round, but the gift shop will close on Saturday, October 13. For inquiries, please call 902-945-2221

FALL SERIES ON CATHOLICISM: Beginning on Thurs., Oct. 18. at 6:30 p.m., Holy Redeemer Parish, Whitney Pier, will host a 10-session DVD program on the beauty, history, and teachings of our Catholic faith. This acclaimed program, devised by Father Robert Barron, author, speaker, theologian, is aimed at helping adult Catholics understand better the beauty of their faith and heritage, and its teachings. It has been used in many parishes in North America. The program coincides with the start of the Year of Faith, proclaimed by Pope Benedict. Please consider participating and please do not hesitate to speak with Father Paul for more details.
Bóg zapłać! God bless you!

WORLD MISSION SUNDAY (OCTOBER 21): This is a Sunday that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer and in reflection on how they convey the Good News through word and example.

INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FAITH (ROK WIARY) BEGINS THIS WEEK: The Polish bishops have issued a pastoral letter underlining the significance of this week, marking the start of the Year of Faith as proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI, and suggesting how we can all participate: “Wobec sygnałów o coraz trudniejszej sytuacji materialnej wielu rodzin, zwracają się z apelem o niesienie pomocy potrzebującym. Szczególna okazją jest obchodzony w dniach od 7 do 14 października Tydzień Miłosierdzia, organizowany przez Caritas.
Biskupi zapraszają wiernych do udziału 11 października w diecezjalnych i parafialnych inauguracjach Roku Wiary. W ciągu roku zaś do medytacji Słowa Bożego, pogłębionej lektury dokumentów Soboru Watykańskiego II i Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego. Polecają też modlitwie różańcowej synod biskupów w Rzymie o nowej ewangelizacji, który rozpocznie się 7 października i potrwa do 28 października. Rozpoczynający się w I Niedzielę Adwentu nowy rok duszpasterski pod hasłem „Być solą ziemi” także jest zachętą do podjęcia dzieła nowej ewangelizacji.”

“In view of the signals of the increasingly difficult financial situation of many families, we appeal for help for the needy. A particular occasion for such assistance is the week of October 7-14, observed as Charity Week, organized by Caritas.
“The bishops invite the faithful to participate in the October 11 diocesan and parish inauguration of the Year of Faith. It will be a time of reflection on the Word of God, in-depth reading of the documents of Vatican II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The praying of the Rosary is also recommended in conjunction with the Synod of Bishops in Rome dedicated to the new evangelization, which begins on October 7 and runs until October 28. Starting on the first Sunday of Advent is the pastoral year under the motto "Be the salt of the earth." This will be a further opportunity to undertake the work of the new evangelization.”

A PLACE OF PILGRIMAGE AND THANKSGIVING IN THE POLISH HIGHLANDS:  Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Królowej Tatr (Sanctuary of Our Lady Queen of the Tatry Mountains): This traditional wooden church, situated in the Tatry Mountains National Park (at Wiktorow), has been a place of pilgrimage for many people of the Góralski (Polish highland) culture since 1910, although it is believed to be the place of a Marian apparition from 1860. The area is known for its very uncertain weather conditions, and the pilgrims’ prayers have tended to be for safety and for enough resources to get through another year, as well as to give thanks for blessings. This site was often visited by Cardinal Karol Wojtyła before he became Pope John Paul II.

NEXT WORLD YOUTH DAY TO BE HELD IN RIO DE JANEIRO -- 23 to 28 July 2013: The WYDs has their origin in large meetings with youth held by Pope John Paul II in Rome. An international youth meeting was organized on the occasion of the Holy Year of Redemption in 1984, in St. Peter's Square. It was there that the Pope dedicated the WYD Cross, which became one of the main symbols of the future gatherings. In 1985, the United Nations declared the International Year of Youth. In March there was another international meeting of youth in the Vatican, and the same year the Pope announced the institution of World Youth Day to be held every two years. The WYDs have always been held in a different place: in Buenos Aires in 1987, with the participation of 1 million young people; Santiago de Compostela  (Spain) in 1989 with 600 000;  Czestochowa in 1991 with 1.5 million;  Denver in 1993 with 500,000; Manila in 1995 with 4 million;  Paris in 1997 with 1 million;  Rome  in 2000 with 2 million;  Toronto in 2002 with 800 000; Cologne in 2005 with 1 million;  Sydney, Australia, in 2008 with 500,000 and in Madrid in 2011 with 2 million


FEAST DAY OF ST. FAUSTINA KOWALSKA (1905-1938) – October 5th

Our recessional hymn today will be Błogosławiona Jesteś, Faustyno (Blessed are You, Faustina).
During Communion, we will have the hymn to Divine Mercy, Bądż Uwielbiony. The first verse is as follows (translated on right):

Bądź uwielbiony, Stwórco nasz i Panie.
Wszechświecie cały, uwielbiaj Pana w pokorze,
Dziękuj swemu Stwórcy na ile sił ci stanie,
Wysławiaj Jego miłosierdzie Boże.

Be glorified, our Creator and Lord.
The whole universe, praise the Lord with  humility,
Thank the Creator with all the strength you can muster,
Praise His Godly mercy.


Pope Benedict XVI has remarked: “The Rosary, when it is prayed in an authentic way, not mechanically and superficially but profoundly, brings peace and reconciliation.”

In keeping with this message, our opening hymn today will be Zawitaj Królowo Różańca Świętego. The first verse is as follows (translated on right):

Zawitaj Królowo różańca świętego,
Jedyna nadziejo człowieka grzesznego!
Zawitaj bez zmazy, Lilijo!
Matko różańcowa, Maryjo

Greetings, Queen of the Holy Rosary
The one hope for sinners!
Greetings, o pristine one.
Mother of the Rosary, Mary